- Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University Hospital since 6.1.1429 H (January 16, 2008)


- Advisor to His Excellency the Minister of Health since 4.6.1421 H  (2001)


- Member of the Canadian Scociety of Infectious Diseases since 1995


- Chairman of the Infection Control Committee, King Abdulaziz University Hospital


- Chairman of the Infection Control Unit, King Abdulaziz University Hospital


- Chairman of The Faculty of Medicine Accreditation Self Assessment Team, King Abdulaziz University


- Chairman of The Special Study Module, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University


- Chairman of the Scientific Chair on Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

Last Update
1/7/2009 10:23:34 AM